Hacking incident still under investigation

The General Police Department is still investigating the hacking of its official website on February 15th.

A spokesman from the General Police Department, T.Jargalsaikhan, answered a few questions.

-It has been said that secret files were released when the official website of the General Police Department was attacked by a hacker. Is it possible that secret files might have been stolen?

-The official website of the Department posts normal notices, advice, tenders and other news, information which is not considered to be secret.

Therefore, the speculation that secret files might have been released is misinformation.

-What was the reason behind the hacking incident?

-We started the investigating to find out where and why the website was hacked.

-The website is currently not working. When will the website be restored?

-IT engineers are working on it.

-What punishment would the hacker face for the crime?

-The Criminal proceeding that is waiting for the hacker is one for IT security crime.

If the culprit is found guilty, the convict will face a 100-250 times the minimum pay fine and 3 to 6 months jail time. If the crime is serious, a convict can be charged for up to 2 to 5 years jail time.


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