Georgian team advises on Single Window service delivery

According to the Ulaanbaatar City Governor’s Office (UCGO), Mayor E.Bat-Uul’s pledge, stated in the 2013-2016 Action Plan, to increase speed and transparency in the delivery of public services, including in the provision of construction permits, is to be achieved through establishing Single Window service delivery in the public sector.

The UCGO has launched several activities towards this aim. One such activity began this week with a visit from an advisory team from Georgia. The team is visiting Mongolia at the invitation of UCGO, and will provide advice to division chiefs of the UCGO, district governors, and chiefs of related agencies on Single Window Service Delivery principles and operations. The Georgian advisory team is also sharing Georgia’s successful experiences.

Nino Sharashenidze, an Advisor in the Wealth Management Division of the Bank of Georgia, delivered a speech on Single Window service delivery in which she stated “Dealing with construction permits was taking long time and required many stages and delays, and illegal construction cases were increasing (in Georgia). Therefore, our country, Georgia, decided to shift the public service to electronic forms (from paper forms) and address the requests submitted by our citizens as quickly as possible. Currently Georgia issues construction permits after nine stages within 74 days, while Mongolia issues them after 19 stages within 208 days. This is one of the major factors that prevent swift public service delivery in Mongolia.”

According to the Georgian advisory team, making information and data transparent and open to the public in electronic form is more efficient and enables citizens to receive public services easily and rapidly. The team believes that it is possible to reduce the number of stages required to issue a construction permit from 19 to only six. But first the general plan of Ulaanbaatar city and zone graphics must be thoroughly completed and must be made publicly available. Also, a database of companies must be established and the forms for requesting construction permits must be made available online.

In the 2012 and 2013 World Bank Doing Business Reports, Georgia ranked third out of 185 countries with regard to issuing construction permits, while Mongolia ranked 121st.

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