Ban on soft drinks in school lunch rooms

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is close to passing a law to ban soda drinks in school lunch rooms. The National Association of Mongolian Consumer Rights Protection Societies say this ban is to do with reducing the affects of sugar on young people, attempting to reduce their sugar in-take. The NGO delivered a request to implement a ban on the sale of sugary soft drinks at primary and secondary schools and kindergartens lunch rooms to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science. The first step is to launch a promotion of healthy lifestyles avoiding high intake of sugar for the children in the country.

The Ministry of Health, the National Center for Health Development, the Health Sciences University and the Mongolian Lawyer Women`s Association will cooperate together on the action.

A study by the Health Sciences University showed that children who were drinking soda drinks for a month had damage to their teeth enamel and even bone damage.

It is widely believed that large sugary soft drinks can contribute to health problem, especially osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone.


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